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Electoral Turnovers.

(with Benjamin Marx and Vincent Rollet), NBER Working Paper 29766, February 2022, accepted for publication at Review of Economic Studies.

Press: [Reason] [Atlantico] [Sciences Humaines] [Le Figaro]

Column: [VoxEU]

Voting Rules, Turnout, and Economic Policies.

(with Enrico Cantoni and Jérôme Schaefer), NBER Working Paper 32941, September 2024, accepted for publication at Annual Review of Economics.

Press: [HBS Working Knowledge]

Biometric Monitoring, Service Delivery and Misreporting: Evidence from Healthcare in India.

(with Thomas Bossuroy and Clara Delavallade), NBER Working Paper 26388, October 2019, accepted for publication at Review of Economics and Statistics.

Column: [VoxDev]

Government Performance and Democracy: Survey Experimental Evidence from 12 Countries during Covid-19.

(with Michael Becher, Nicolas Longuet Marx, et al.), Journal of Politics. 86, no. 4 (October 2024).

Column: [JOP Blogpost]

Coordination and Bandwagon Effects: How Past Rankings Shape the Behavior of Voters and Candidates. 

(with Riako Granzier and Clémence Tricaud), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15, no. 4 (October 2023): 177-217.

Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: Experimental Evidence from Nine High-Income Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

(with Vincenzo Galasso, Paola Profeta, et al.), BMJ Global Health 8, no. 9 (September 2023).

Press: [MarketWatch][Vox]

How Do Campaigns Shape Vote Choice? Multicountry Evidence from 62 Elections and 56 TV Debates. 

(with Caroline Le Pennec), Quarterly Journal of Economics 138, no. 2 (May 2023): 703-767.

Press: [BBC][Scientific American][Mint][Poynter][Fast Company][Spectrum News][Le Point][Slate][The New York Sun][My Journal Courier][Al Jazeera][The Daily Campus]

Column: [VoxEU]

Does Context Outweigh Individual Characteristics in Driving Voting Behavior? Evidence from Relocations within the U.S.

(with Enrico Cantoni), American Economic Review 112, no. 4 (April 2022): 1226-1272.

Strict ID Laws Don't Stop Voters: Evidence from a U.S. Nationwide Panel, 2008–2018.

(with Enrico Cantoni), Quarterly Journal of Economics 136, no. 4 (November 2021): 2615-2660.

Press: [New York Times][The Economist][Vox][Boston Globe][Marginal Revolution][The Weeds][Hubwonk][CBS News][The Atlantic][National Review][Council of Economic Advisers]

Policy Brief: [Upper Policy Brief Series]

Voter Mobilization and Trust in Electoral Institutions: Evidence from Kenya.

(with Benjamin Marx and Tavneet Suri), Economic Journal 131, no. 638 (August 2021): 2585-2612.

Do Interactions with Candidates Increase Voter Support and Participation? Experimental Evidence from Italy.

(with Enrico Cantoni), Economics & Politics 33, no. 2 (July 2021): 379-402.

Diversity and Team Performance in a Kenyan Organization.

(with Benjamin Marx and Tavneet Suri), Journal of Public Economics 197 (May 2021): 104332.

Press: [The Conversation]

Gender Differences in COVID-19 Related Attitudes and Behavior: Evidence from a Panel Survey in Eight OECD Countries.

(with Vincenzo Galasso, Paola Profeta, et al.), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, no. 44 (November 2020): 27285-27291.

Press: [Forbes][Fox News][New York Post][Le Monde][Hindustan Times][la Repubblica][Suddeutsche Zeitung][The Jerusalem Post][Science The Wire]

Column: [VoxEU]

Increasing the Electoral Participation of Immigrants: Experimental Evidence from France. 

(with Guillaume Liegey), Economic Journal 129, no. 617 (January 2019): 481–508.

Expressive Voting and Its Cost: Evidence from Runoffs with Two or Three Candidates. 

(with Clémence Tricaud), Econometrica 86, no. 5 (September 2018): 1621–1649.

Policy Brief: [IPP Policy Brief]

Will a Five-Minute Discussion Change Your Mind? A Countrywide Experiment on Voter Choice in France.

American Economic Review 108, no. 6 (June 2018): 1322–1363.

Press: [New York Times][Slate][PRI: The World][Quartz]

Knowledge about Tuberculosis and Infection Prevention Behavior: A Nine City Longitudinal Study from India. 

(with Sophie Huddart, Thomas Bossuroy, Siddhartha Baral, Madhukar Pai, and Clara Delavallade), PLoS ONE 13, no. 10, 2018.

Voter Registration Costs and Disenfranchisement: Experimental Evidence from France. 

(with Céline Braconnier and Jean-Yves Dormagen), American Political Science Review 111, no. 3 (August 2017): 584–604.

Policy Brief: [IPP Policy Brief]

Happiness on Tap: Piped Water Adoption in Urban Morocco. 

(with Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas, and William Pariente), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4, no. 4 (November 2012): 68–99. 

Working Papers

Keep your Enemies Closer: Strategic Platform Adjustments during U.S. and French Elections. 

(with Rafael Di Tella, Randy Kotti, and Caroline Le Pennec), NBER Working Paper 31503, July 2023, revise and resubmit American Economic Review

Coordination and Incumbency Advantage in Multi-Party Systems - Evidence from French Elections. 

(with Kevin Dano, Francesco Ferlenga, Vincenzo Galasso, and Caroline Le Pennec), NBER Working Paper 30541, October 2022, conditionally accepted Journal of the European Economic Association.

Column: [VoxEU]

Spending Limits, Public Funding, and Election Outcomes. 

(with Nikolaj Broberg and Clémence Tricaud), NBER Working Paper 29805, February 2022, revise and resubmit Journal of the European Economic Association.

Column: [VoxEU]

Can a Website Bring Unemployment Down? Experimental Evidence from France. 

(with Aïcha Ben Dhia, Bruno Crépon, Esther Mbih, Louise Paul-Delvaux, and Bertille Picard), NBER Working Paper 29914, April 2022, revise and resubmit Journal of Labor Economics.

Column: [VoxEU]

The Effect of Childhood Environment on Political Behavior: Evidence from Young U.S. Movers, 1992-2021.

(with Jacob R. Brown, Enrico Cantoni, Sahil Chinoy, and Martin Koenen), NBER Working Paper 31759, October 2023

Press: [HBS Working Knowledge]

Social Movements and Public Opinion in the United States.

(with Amory Gethin), NBER Working Paper 32342, April 2024

Press: [Washington Post] [The Atlantic] [Marginal Revolution] [Noahpinion] [HBS Working Knowledge]

Pitfalls of Demographic Forecasts of US Elections

(with Richard Calvo and Jesse Shapiro), NBER Working Paper 33016, October 2024

Press: [HBS Working Knowledge] [Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science]

Small Campaign Donors. 

(with Laurent Bouton, Julia Cagé, and Edgard Dewitte), NBER Working Paper 30050, May 2022.

Press: [Pro Market] [The Economist] [Not Another Politics Podcast] [Christian Science Monitor] [The New York Times]

The Increase in Partisan Segregation in the United States.

(with Brown, Jacob, Enrico Cantoni, Ryan Enos, and Emilie Sartre)

Press: [New York Times]

Books and Book Chapters

Contre l’abstention : Campagnes de terrain et simplification des règles électorales.

iLes classes populaires à l’écart du politique ?, Les éditions de la Fondation Gabriel-Péri, 2023

Porte à porte: Reconquérir la démocratie sur le terrain.

(with Guillaume Liégey and Arthur Muller), Calmann-Lévy, 2013, French ed.


Les rouages de la démocratie en panne: quel rôle pour les partis politiques?

(with Guillaume Liégey and Arthur Muller), iPour changer de civilisation: Martine Aubry avec 50 chercheurs et citoyens, edited by Martine Aubry. Paris: Éditions Odile Jacob, 2011, French ed.

Other Publications

Comment lutter contre l’abstention?

(with Jean Beuve and Etienne Fize), La Vie des Idées, 2022.


Has Social Science Taken Over Electoral Campaigns and Should We Regret It? 

French Politics, Culture and Society 34, no. 1 (Spring 2016): 34–47.

Comment mobiliser les exclus du jeu politique? 

Regards croisés sur l'économie, no. 18 (2016): 213–226.

L'abstention n'est pas une fatalité. 

(with Guillaume Liégey and Arthur Muller), Esprit, nos. 3-4 (March–April 2011): 77–88.

How Should the Graduate Economics Core be Changed? 

(with Jose Miguel Abito, Katarina Borovickova, Hays Golden, Jacob Goldin, Matthew A. Masten, Miguel Morin, Alexander Poirier, Israel Romem, Tyler Williams, and Chamna Yoon), Journal of Economic Education 42, no. 4 (2011): 414–417.

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